Tara Chanady (École de Santé Publique, l’Université de Montréal, CRESP, ESPUM), Julie Antoine (Réseau des lesbiennes du Québec), Kim Forget-Desrosiers (Aide aux trans du Québec), Line Chamberland (UQAM), Lamiae Bouqentar (UdM)
Lesbian, bisexual, queer and trans women remain on the margins of health care despite their specific mental, physical and sexual health needs. The intersection of gender and sexuality complicates resource development, while heterosexist norms, microaggressions, and lack of knowledge frame experiences of accessing care within LBQT communities. This panel aims to generate a discussion on the issues of access to care faced by lesbian, bi, queer and trans women in Quebec. Members of various community associations and academic researchers will present the issues and challenges faced by women of sexual and gender diversity in terms of health care in Quebec. This panel aims to build bridges between invisibilized communities whose needs are often overlooked in comparison to heterosexual and gay populations, allowing for the sharing of knowledge necessary to further community organizing and research development efforts.