Assessing Community and Healthcare Provider Preferences for Doxycycline as STI PrEP/PEP among 2S/GBTQ People in Canada (Community Members)

Have you heard about prevention options for chlamydia and syphilis – Doxy PrEP/PEP? We want to learn more about what people know and how to improve access.

For questions, or to sign up, please contact a study coordinator at [email protected].


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About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Assessing Community and Healthcare Provider Preferences for Doxycycline as STI PrEP/PEP among 2S/GBTQ People in Canada (Community Members)
Assessing Community and Healthcare Provider Preferences for Doxycycline as STI PrEP/PEP among 2S/GBTQ People in Canada (Community Members)
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