Examining young sexual minority men’s online experiences with sex and drugs in Vancouver

Panel: What's the T on PnP? Research on Sexualized Substance Use

Presented by PJ Coulaud and Caroline Mniszak at Summit 2019: Queering Healthcare Access and Accessibility, in Vancouver October 31 - November 1. For more information visit cbrc.net/summit

Pierre-Julien Coulaud is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the British Columbia Centre on Substance Use and at the University of British Columbia. His research uses interdisciplinary approaches to better inform and adapt health interventions among marginalised populations, with a particular focus on access to sexual health and substance use services. In his PhD research, Pierre-julien used qualitative and quantitative methods to examine HIV prevention among men who have sex with men accessing community-based organizations in West Africa.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Examining young sexual minority men’s online experiences with sex and drugs in Vancouver
Examining young sexual minority men’s online experiences with sex and drugs in Vancouver
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