Leaning into What you Don't Know: Preliminary Findings of the Ontario Trans Interweaving Project

* This presentation was originally recorded in English. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

Trans people are and have always been connected to gay, bi, queer men’s communities and sexual cultures. To foster greater inclusion and meaningful integration to advance HIV and sexual health outcomes of trans and non-binary people connected with 2GBTQ+ men’s communities and sexual cultures, the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance has sponsored a trans-led project. The Trans Interweaving Project is an inquiry into what meaningful change can look like within GMSH itself, and how to support and influence HIV sector organizations and 2GBQ+ men’s sexual health programs in Ontario to enhance engagement and integration of trans and non-binary communities. Perspectives from diverse trans and non-binary communities, as well as staff and management in the HIV sector, will shape an actionable plan to guide future directions in the development of sexual health promotion resources and programming. Outreach and recruitment have been centered on the intersections of identities, social and geographic locations and connection to and use of sexual health strategies and HIV sector programs. During this roundtable discussion members of the project team will share preliminary findings of this organizational inquiry. Key insights and valuable lessons learned in how to meaningfully engage queer trans health leaders and influencers in similar projects will be shared and discussed among participants and presenters.

Dane Griffiths & Devon MacFarlane (Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance)

Disponible en français.


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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Leaning into What you Don't Know: Preliminary Findings of the Ontario Trans Interweaving Project
Leaning into What you Don't Know: Preliminary Findings of the Ontario Trans Interweaving Project
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