Prevalence of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychosocial Health Outcomes among Canadian Sexual Minority Men

Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), or “conversion therapy,” are pseudoscientific practices intended to suppress or deny sexual attraction to members of the same gender/sex. There are currently no data available to inform estimates of the prevalence of SOCE exposure in Canada. The objective of this study is therefore to describe the prevalence, social–demographic correlates, and health consequences of SOCE among Canadian sexual minority men.



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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Prevalence of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychosocial Health Outcomes among Canadian Sexual Minority Men
Prevalence of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychosocial Health Outcomes among Canadian Sexual Minority Men
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