Adam, Barry D. (2013, April). What New Sero-Converters in Toronto are Saying About the Contexts of Acquiring HIV. Presented at Beyond Behaviours: Uncovering the Social Production of HIV Epidemics Among Gay Men, Vancouver, Canada. Interviews with 43 newly HIV+ gay and bisexual men in Toronto concerning the experiences and life circumstances related to their seroconversion lay the foundation for: (1) a sketch of emergent fields of predisposing circumstances, one of which confirms the conditions pointed to by syndemic indicators, (2) the preliminary identification of additional, non-syndemic fields that may interact with the syndemic field to create multiple sites of vulnerability, and (3) the social contexts of these fields as they are cross-cut by migration experiences, neoliberal presumptions about responsibility, and the increasingly app-based organization of gay sexual connection. Their narratives raise questions of how to move past pathologizing discourses to affirm the pleasures, health, and well-being of men at edge of seroconversion.