Confronting Ableism, Stigma and Bias in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care addresses key service provision pitfalls and challenges by centering discussions of ableism, stigma and bias, highlighting different embodied experiences at the intersection of queerness and sexual and reproductive health care. Learners are encouraged to critically reflect on their service provision practices through intentional self-assessments and dialogue prompts on the importance of challenging ableism and ableist practices in healthcare.
Course Duration: 3 hours
Some of the topics covered include:
- Ableism, Stigma and Bias
- Disability
- Challenging the 'Normal' and 'Natural'
- Bodies of Experience:
- Chronic Illness | Physical Disability
- Weight Stigma | Fatphobia
- Ageism | Age Discrimination
- Mental Health | Mental Illness
- Neurodivergence