The Survey
Our Health 2022 was a collaboration between the Community-Based Research Centre, University of Victoria, Egale Canada, The Enchanté Network, and 2 Spirits in Motion Society to explore the current state of health among Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual (2S/LGBTQQIA+) people in Canada. Specifically, we wanted to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on the health, wellness, stigma, and financial security of 2S/LGBTQQIA+ people, estimate the prevalence of COVID-19, and understand the prevalence and determinants of chronic health conditions in our communities. The study consisted of a community-based health survey designed in collaboration with community members and academic, public health, and community partners that included questions about sociodemographics, COVID-19, chronic health, health service access, mental health, discrimination, community connection, sexual health, reproductive health, caregiving, economic security, substance use, and housing. A group of 2S/LGBTQQIA+ community advisors provided extensive guidance throughout the study, including on the questionnaire, recruitment materials/methods, and knowledge translation outputs. Participants received $10 for completing the survey.
Study recruitment occurred between April and September 2022. We used multiple recruitment methods to reach a diverse group of participants, including newsletter, listserv, and social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, including paid ads) promotion through CBRC and various community partner organizations across the country. Ads were also run on popular sex seeking apps and websites (e.g., Squirt, Scruff), 2S/LGBTQQIA+-oriented media sites (Xtra, Fugues), and in mainstream media outlets in multiple languages. To improve accessibility, American Sign Language (ASL) and Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) videos about the survey for deaf and hard-of-hearing people were also developed.
All recruitment methods directed participants to the online survey hosted on Qualtrics, where they were given additional information about the study and asked to provide informed consent to participate. To be eligible for the survey, people had to: be living in Canada; identify as 2S/LGBTQQIA+; be 15 years of age or older; be able to provide informed consent and complete a questionnaire in English, French, or Spanish; and not have already participated in the study. Participants could choose to stop the survey at any time without consequence and could request to have their data removed from the study if they provided contact information up to 6 months after study completion.
Survey data was stored on secure and encrypted Qualtrics and University of Victoria servers. Prior to analysis, all survey data were cleaned, duplicate responses and direct identifiers were removed, and write-in responses were recoded where possible. Ethics approval was received through the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, and University of British Columbia research ethics boards.
Dried Blood Spot Testing
In addition to the survey, participants who were 18 or older could choose to complete and return a mail-home dried blood spot sample to confidentially screen for HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis, and COVID-19 antibodies. Screening occurred at the National Microbiology Laboratory, and participants received their results if requested. Participants received $20 for providing a dried blood spot sample and could choose to have their samples destroyed immediately, returned, or saved for future research.
Sub-Community Reports
As part of our knowledge mobilization approach for Our Health 2022, we have developed a series of sub-community reports focused on the impacts of COVID-19. To develop the reports, we consulted with multiple community advisory boards (CAB) made up of 5-6 people each from the specific sub-communities. These consultations included group meetings, emails, and open invitations to edit drafts of the report. Indicators were selected based on CAB feedback and relevance to COVID-19 impacts.
Want to know more about Our Health 2022?
You can find the full questionnaire and study consent form here.