An Open Intergenerational Dialogue on HIV History

* This presentation was originally recorded in English. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

While the meaning of HIV has changed for GBT2Q communities, especially since the introduction of effective treatments in the late 1990s and prevention such as PrEP in the 2010s, the history of HIV demonstrates the persistence of health inequities over time, especially for people who experience intersecting forms of oppression. HIV In My Day is a community-based oral history project consisting of interviews with long-term HIV/AIDS survivors and caregivers from the early years of the AIDS epidemic in B.C. Many of the inequities identified by participants were rooted in homophobia, racism, and settler colonialism, which continue to shape access to HIV testing, treatment, and prevention today. This roundtable discussion brings together members of the project’s research team, other interested project participants, leaders within today’s HIV movement from YouthCO, and Summit attendees to discuss what HIV history teaches us about advancing health equity in the present by drawing on the lessons learned from their experiences as people living with HIV. The goal of this open discussion is to generate an intergenerational dialogue about the changing meanings of HIV/AIDS and how we can achieve a more equitable future in terms of HIV support and care.


“HIV In My Day” research team and community partners, moderator: John Paul Catungal (University of British Colombia)

Disponible en français.


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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
An Open Intergenerational Dialogue on HIV History
An Open Intergenerational Dialogue on HIV History
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