Differences in reported STBBI testing barriers among GBT2Q men using GetCheckedOnline in BC

Panel: The Urban/Rural Divide: Recognizing the Unique Needs of Suburban, Rural, and Remote GBT2Q Men

Presented by Aidan Ablona at Summit 2019: Queering Healthcare Access and Accessibility, in Vancouver October 31 - November 1. For more information visit cbrc.net/summit

Aidan Ablona is a data analyst with Clinical Prevention Services at the BC Centre for Disease Control and an Affiliated Researcher with the Community-Based Research Centre. His work spans the fields of online sexual health, HIV, and HPV-related cancers.He is passionate about using data analytics to advance health equity for minority populations in Canada.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Differences in reported STBBI testing barriers among GBT2Q men using GetCheckedOnline in BC
Differences in reported STBBI testing barriers among GBT2Q men using GetCheckedOnline in BC
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