Closed captioning is available in both English and French.
- Vanishing Sanctuaries & the COVID-19 Pandemic: Unmasking the Impact of the Disappearing Queer Spaces on 2SGBQ+ Men's Mental Health
Rusty Souleymanov (Village Lab, University of Manitoba) - Getting What We Need: Understanding the Importance of Social Connection to the Health and Wellbeing of Queer Communities
Kiffer Card (Simon Fraser University) - Exploring the mental health experiences of LGBTQ+ Muslim students in Ontario's post-secondary institutions
Bushra Ahmed (Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University) - Whatever issues I had before were exacerbated by COVID: The pandemic's impacts on social determinants of mental health among 2SLGBTQI people in Canada
Kim Seida, Felix Desmeules-Trudel, Brittany Jakubiec (Egale Canada)