Le Cœur au Beurre Noir: Innovative Awareness Tools on Intimate Violence Between Men

* This presentation was originally recorded in French. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

This presentation aims to introduce a number of innovative interventions to educate and inform about the realities of intimate partner violence between men. A collaborative study by REZO, the University of Laval, a number of key partners, aimed to better highlight the risk factors, protective factors, different types and manifestations, and consequences of intimate violence between men, and the findings were communicated to community members through a variety of strategies including true video testimonials by survivors of violence with accompanying discussion guides, and short fictional stories and poems inspired by the results accompanied by animated teaser videos. This session will introduce the study’s findings through the presentation of these tools, discussion in breakout sessions (if possible) of their key points, the merits of their approaches, and what next steps are necessary to increase the awareness and support in our communities for men navigating violence in their relationships.


Alexandre Dumont-Blais (RÉZO), Valérie Roy (Université de Laval), Sylvie Pouliot (Université de Laval), Olivier Sylvestre

Disponible en français.


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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Le Cœur au Beurre Noir: Innovative Awareness Tools on Intimate Violence Between Men
Le Cœur au Beurre Noir: Innovative Awareness Tools on Intimate Violence Between Men
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