Below is the full text of the survey only.
The Sex Now Survey is a national survey of sex between guys. The survey asks questions about your everyday life, including your sex life, mental health, substance use, attitudes and your opinions on Canadian Blood Services current deferral policies for guys who are into guys.
We will gather information about HIV and Hep C, and sexual behaviours, especially those that may be associated with HIV and other infections. The information will be used to investigate alternatives to our current blood deferral policy, and will help improve overall health and wellness for guys who are into guys as well as our current combination prevention strategies for HIV and other STIs.
We are asking you to answer a confidential questionnaire that you will do by yourself. The online survey will take approximately 40 minutes to complete and can be completed anonymously. You may skip any question you don’t wish to answer, or stop at any time. If you complete the survey you may choose to enter a draw for a $500.00 travel voucher by entering your name and email address. This information will not be connected to your responses, and will only be used to contact you for the purposes of awarding the prize. If you have done this survey before, you are welcome to do it online too. There are new questions.