* This presentation was originally recorded in English. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.
From situating long-term care as a question of housing to the association between the pressure to be masculine and poorer mental health outcomes, these Summit 2021 presentations look at how we can better promote health equality among our communities.
- Situating Long-Term Care as a Question of Housing and Homelessness
- Pressure to be Masculine Associated with Poorer Mental Health Among Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, Queer Men and Non-binary People
- Discussion on How to Implement New Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Information Practices in Healthcare to Promote Health Equity for 2SLGBTQAI+ People
Celeste Pang (Egale Canada; University of Toronto), Sarah Cooper (University of Montreal), Roz Queen (University of Victoria, Canada Health Infoway)