Request for Proposals: Strategic Planning for Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)

1. Invitation

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) is inviting qualified consultants to support and facilitate a strategic planning process to guide the organization’s future. CBRC is seeking to develop and implement a 3-year or 5-year strategic plan, beginning in June 2024. As an organization focused on people of diverse sexualities and genders, we are especially keen on working with 2S/LGBTQQIA+ consultants.

2. Context

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development. CBRC’s core pillars – community-led research, knowledge exchange, network building, and leadership development – position the organization as a thought leader, transforming ideas into actions that make a difference in our communities. CBRC was incorporated in 1999 and is a non-profit charitable organization. Our main office is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, and we also have satellite offices located in Edmonton, Toronto, and Halifax.

CBRC has undergone significant growth and change over the last several years, including an expansion of projects and programs. Please check out our Projects + Initiatives webpage to learn more about CBRC's work to strengthen the health of Two-Spirit, queer, trans and non-binary people in Canada. Our research principles aim to provide a framework for our research team, staff, community advisors, collaborators and partners, affiliated and external researchers, and others who we may work with.

To learn more about CBRC, visit

3. Purpose & Scope of Work

Guided by CBRC’s Strategic Planning Working Group (made up of Board and staff), the consultant/consulting team will lead all aspects of a strategic planning process that will result in updated mission, vision, values, and a new Strategic Plan for either 3 years (2024-2027) or 5 years (2024-2029). This will require:

Working Closely with the Strategic Planning Working Group

The consultant/consulting team will leverage the experience and skills of the Strategic Planning Working Group to plan for and implement all activities. Relevant documents are to be prepared by the consultant/consulting team for review by the Working Group. Given the makeup of this Working Group, meetings are held in the late afternoon (PST).


The consultant/consulting team will conduct meaningful engagement with a diverse range of CBRC’s key internal and external groups and communities (e.g., board, staff, community partners, funders, etc.). Engagement strategies could include surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. Given that CBRC’s communities include both English-speaking and French-speaking individuals and groups, the consultant(s) will be expected to meet the specific language needs.

Document Review

The consultant/consulting team will undertake a document review (of appropriate reports, reviews, etc.) to gain an understanding of CBRC’s current and previous work.


After synthesis of internal and external feedback, as well as the review of documents, the consultant/consulting team will apply an analytical method, using relevant tools (e.g., SWOT, PESTEL).

Strategic Planning Retreat

The consultant/consulting team will facilitate a virtual Strategic Planning Retreat with Staff and Board, to gain feedback on findings of the process, as well as directions for the future.

Development of a New Strategic Plan, including Mission, Vision, Values

The consultant/consulting team will summarize the findings of the process in a final report, which will include Strategic Priorities or Directions for 3 or 5 years, as well as updated Mission, Vision, and Values.

Support Development of an Implementation Plan

To support operational implementation, the consultant/consulting team will provide a framework for the development of an implementation plan.

This will be a virtual Strategic Planning process, with no consultant travel.

4. Timelines and deliverables

RFP released  December 7, 2023
Question Period December 7-14, 2023
Proposal submission  December 17, 2023
Interviews  December 20-21, 2023
Selection and awarding of contract December 22, 2023
Initial meeting with CBRC to review workplan and implementation timelines Week of January 2, 2024
Strategic Planning activities January to March 2024
Draft Strategic Plan report April 19, 2024
Final Strategic Plan report  May 10, 2024
Implementation Plan  May 31, 2024

5. Consultant qualifications and considerations

CBRC welcomes consultants that bring the following experiences and skills to their work:


  • Member of 2S/LGBTQQIA+ communities
  • Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the non-profit sector, in particular non-profit organizations that focus on health care, HIV and STBBIs, 2S/LGBTQQIA+ communities as well as those that operate at a national level
  • Previous experience with strategic planning processes
  • Significant experience in engagement, with the ability to work collaboratively and engage diverse communities, in particular with 2S/LGBTQQIA+, Indigenous, Black and other people of colour, Francophone communities
  • French language proficiency to ensure meaningful engagement of Francophone individuals and groups. If core consulting team members do not have French language proficiency, some mechanisms to address this must be named (e.g., working collaboratively with a French language contractor for specific interviews and focus groups)
  • Ability to manage multiple, competing projects in order to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality final products

We will prioritize proposals from consultants who are part of Indigenous, Black, and people of colour communities.

6. Proposal requirements

The proposal should not exceed 7 pages in total (using 12 pt font). Applicant CVs or resumes, as well as the sample of work can be included as appendices (with appendices not exceeding 7 pages).

The proposal should include:

  1. Name and contact information
  2. Applicant experience
    1. Short description of the applicant’s work, including experience in similar projects and experience in engaging diverse stakeholders (in particular the 2S/LGBTQQIA+ community).
    2. A list of similar projects currently or previously undertaken can be included.
  3. Proposal
    1. Overview of the applicant’s understanding of the scope and requirements of the project, and the approach that the applicant will take.
    2. A work plan that takes into account the deliverables and implementation timelines.
    3. A breakdown of the tasks, showing the amount of time each member of the consulting team will spend on this project.
  4. A budget for the total cost of the work, including all personnel, materials, and other expenditures
  5. Names and contact information of two (2) references for whom the applicant has completed relevant projects
  6. 1-2 examples or samples of strategic planning related products produced by the applicant. These can be included as appendices, or with links to reports.

7. Budget

There is a maximum budget of $40,000 (inclusive of taxes) to support the strategic planning process. As this is intended to be a virtual process, no travel or accommodation costs will be considered.

8. Question Period

This RFP process includes a question period. Please submit any questions you have by December 14, 2023, at 5pm PST. Questions and answers will be consolidated and shared with those who have asked by December 15, 2023.

Email: [email protected]
Subject: Questions: Strategic Planning 2024 RFP

9. Application deadline

Please submit one (1) electronic copy of your proposal by December 17, 2023, by 5pm PST to the Strategic Planning Working Group, Community-Based Research Centre

Email: [email protected]
Subject: Proposal: Strategic Planning 2024 RFP

Click here to download the Request for Proposals PDF

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About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Request for Proposals: Strategic Planning for Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)
Request for Proposals: Strategic Planning for Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)
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