Blood Policy Futures for Queer, Trans, and Black Communities: A Facilitated Discussion

* This presentation was originally recorded in English. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

Canada’s blood donation ban for sexually active "men who have sex with men" has resulted in lawsuits and boycotts, and has left many gay, bisexual, trans, and queer men, and Two-Spirit and non-binary people (GBT2Q) feeling discriminated against and stigmatized. These negative impacts also intersect with trans and Black communities. Caught in the middle of this policy terrain are people who rely on blood products and access to a safe and sufficient blood supply.

Ongoing research and advances in HIV are revealing a new landscape around this controversial policy. It is time to start talking about what alternative policies can be implemented in order to end Canada’s current discriminatory blood donation bans. This session will be a facilitated discussion between various stakeholders engaged or impacted by blood donation bans. Join us in developing policy directions that will protect blood recipients, while correcting the stigma against historically oppressed communities.

Panellists: Dana Devine (Centre for Blood Research), Nathan Lachowsky (CBRC, University of Victoria), Paul MacPherson (University of Ottawa, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute), Robert Alsberry (Black Gay Men’s Network of Ontario), Osmel B. Guerra Maynes (Capital Pride, All Blood is Equal), OmiSoore Dryden (Dalhousie University) Moderator: Rob Higgins (University of Victoria)

Disponible en français.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Blood Policy Futures for Queer, Trans, and Black Communities: A Facilitated Discussion
Blood Policy Futures for Queer, Trans, and Black Communities: A Facilitated Discussion
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