Join our consultations on syphilis in Alberta Canada, among GBT2Q!

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This is an invitation to join CBRC’s virtual community consultation addressing syphilis in Alberta Canada, among gay, bisexual, queer and trans men, and Two-Spirit and non-binary people (GBT2Q).


Over the past decade, syphilis rates have risen dramatically in Canada, disproportionately impacting GBT2Q people.  More recently, cases of congenital syphilis (syphilis during pregnancy) have also risen significantly, prompting efforts to improve syphilis prevention and testing. 

To this end, we invite community members to join us for a one-hour virtual focus group!

We’re looking to get feedback about how we can better address syphilis infections in our communities in Alberta. There has been a limited history of GBT2Q- focused syphilis programs and interventions in Alberta. This changes now. With the help of community, CBRC in collaboration with Alberta Health is looking to enhance awareness of syphilis and how we can prevent, reduce the risk of, and treat syphilis. We’ll discuss current programs in Alberta and how we can improve them, outreach strategies to better reach GBT2Q communities, and new interventions such as doxyPEP and how they can be added to your sexual health toolkit. 

With support from the Public Health Agency of Canada and Alberta Health, CBRC will be hosting a provincial meeting in October 2024 with service providers involved in syphilis services for GBT2Q men in Alberta. At this meeting we will share information concerning syphilis among Alberta GBT2Q men, and highlight key action items to be addressed in Alberta to enhance our collective syphilis response. After this meeting, CBRC will produce an action plan to help guide stakeholders as we continue work in this area. This consultation will help us ensure that community members are reflected in our action plan. Our team believes that no project should be developed without communities being involved every step of the way — “Nothing about us without us.” Participants will receive a $100 honorarium as a thank-you for their time.

Consultations will take place on Zoom at either 12 pm or 6pm on:

  • Wednesday September 18, 2024 
  • Thursday September 19, 2024 
  • Monday September 23, 2024

Exact times and dates will be determined based on which meeting times work best for the most participants. You will be notified via email by September 13, 2024 with more details. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ray at [email protected].

Typically, we receive more applications for our consultations than we have the capacity to accept. We'll select participants mainly on a first come, first served basis. Consideration will be given to ensure representation from all five Alberta Health Service Zones and those from GBT2Q communities who are most affected by syphilis.

Click here to learn more about syphilis.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
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