National Program Coordinator

Position Type: Full-time, January 2020-March 2021, with possibility of extension

Location: Flexible, within Canada

Language: Primary working language is English; fluency in French is an asset 

Status: Closed


CBRC is seeking a National Program Coordinator to support a new sexual and gender minority youth leadership program focused on mental health, in which youth participants not only participate in a community health leadership curriculum, but also have the opportunity to develop and pilot their own community health action projects. The successful candidate will support program development, coordination of partners across three regions of the country, as well as project monitoring and evaluation.  

CBRC believes in programming led by and for community and therefore strongly encourages those with lived experience as sexual and gender minority individuals to apply. We also strongly encourage applications from sexual and gender minority individuals with intersecting marginalized identities to apply, including but not limited to indigenous and two spirit individuals, queer and trans people of colour, people living with HIV, and people living with disabilities.

We recognize that some individuals from these communities might have experienced barriers to traditional educational and employment opportunities. The hiring committee will therefore consider various combinations of education, paid experience, and volunteer experience.


At CBRC, we recognize the value of a variety of educational experiences, including but not limited to academic, career-based, and personal learnings. No one’s application will be ignored due to having not met an educational threshold. However, an undergraduate degree/diploma in one of the following areas would be an asset: 

  • Health (especially mental health)
  • Education
  • Social Sciences
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Project Management 


2+ years’ experience working in community health or social services with sexual and gender minority populations and/or other minority populations is required; experience working with youth in mental health-oriented projects or programs is an asset.

2+ years’ experience supporting multi-stakeholder project coordination (i.e. coordinating meetings, soliciting and synthesizing stakeholder input, etc.) is required; experience with cross-sectoral projects (i.e. partnerships between health system, schools, community-based organizations) is an asset.

Demonstrated experience developing community-facing health promotion or capacity building programs/materials is required. Applicants are encouraged to provide examples of materials they led or significantly contributed to the development of.

Additional Skills

Being able to demonstrate a combination of several of the following skills is an asset:

  • Research
  • Writing
  • Problem-Solving
  • Conflict De-Escalation
  • Effective Time Management
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design

How to Apply

Please email your application to CBRC’s Program Director, Brook Biggin, at [email protected] by the closing date of November 29, 2019 at 11:59pm ET. Ensure that you include both a cover letter and a CV. As discussed above, participants are also encouraged to include examples of program materials they led or significantly contributed to the development of (i.e. program facilitator guides or participant manuals, community-facing websites or health promotion campaigns, community reports, etc.).

Applicants selected for interviews will be notified by December 6, 2019, with interviews commencing the week of December 9, 2019.

The successful applicant will start at the beginning of January 2020.

Disponible en français.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
National Program Coordinator
National Program Coordinator
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