Party and Play (PnP)

This page brings together CBRC’s work and other useful resources related to the intersection of sex and drugs, with a particular focus on Party and Play (PnP) or chemsex subcultures within some 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities.

CBRC’s National PnP Project

In 2022, CBRC received funding through the Substance Use and Addictions Program to bring together community members, service providers, researchers, and policy makers to share knowledge and best practices related to PnP. The project also aimed to expand the Peer N Peer program, a peer-led queer substance use and sexual health program started by the Queer and Trans Health Collective (QTHC) in Edmonton and MAX Ottawa, to two new organizations AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia (ACNS) in Halifax and the Sexuality Education Resource Centre in Winnipeg.

Rooted in harm reduction principles, Peer N Peer meets people where they are at on their substance use and sexual journeys. Supports and services offered by the Peer N Peer team include: access to harm reduction supplies, peer support, education and outreach, and referrals to wrap-around services. Whether folks are looking to use substances more safely, change how substance use impacts their sex life, or stop using substances, Peer N Peer is there to offer culturally-competent, non-judgemental support to 2SLGBTQ+ folks who party.

Regional PeerNPeer Programs

QTHC_RGB_boxed-horiz_900px.png MAX_Ottawa.png
Edmonton Ottawa
AIDS_Coalition_New_RGB.PNG SERC-Logo-Gradient-Stack.png
Halifax Winnipeg


PNP-related Projects and Resources


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Party n Play
Party and Play (PnP)
Check out Community-Based Research Centre. I just joined.