Sex, Drugs and Hepatitis C: How Can We Better Serve GBMSM?

* This presentation was originally recorded in English. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

GBMSM are an emerging priority population for hepatitis C. An estimated 5% of GBMSM have evidence of past or current hepatitis C, with the main risk factors being transmission through intravenous drug use and/or sexual transmission. Given that STBBI prevention messaging has historically been focused on HIV and not hepatitis C, there may be limited awareness of the need for hepatitis C prevention and testing among GBMSM. This, as well as the emergence of key HIV prevention strategies that do not involve condoms, such as PrEP and treatment as prevention, may be contributing to higher rates of hepatitis C infection among GBMSM. This session aims to improve awareness that hepatitis C is an emerging sexual health and harm reduction issue for integrated GBMSM programming, and to create dialogue around the role of GBMSM health leaders in addressing this issue. The panel will begin with an introduction to factors related to hepatitis C transmission among GBMSM and provide insights into the relationship between sex and drug use for men who party-n-play. The panel will also describe programs that seek to improve awareness and knowledge around hepatitis C prevention, testing, care, and treatment among GBMSM. This will be followed by a question-and-answer period to facilitate discussion around what efforts have been effective so far and what further interventions are necessary to better serve GBMSM in the context of hepatitis C.


Rivka Kushner (CATIE), Rusty Souleymanov (University of Manitoba), Jean-Sébastien Rousseau (Clinique Médicale l’Actuel), Maticus Adams (MAX Ottawa), and Jonathan Bacon (Clinique médicale l’Actuel). Moderator: Jordan Coulombe (CATIE)

Disponible en français.


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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Sex, Drugs and Hepatitis C: How Can We Better Serve GBMSM?
Sex, Drugs and Hepatitis C: How Can We Better Serve GBMSM?
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