In many ways, 2020 brought unprecedented challenges that made us reconsider how we relate to each other as communities and individuals. In responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing opioid overdose crisis, and police violence towards Black and Indigenous people within and beyond our colonial borders, long-existing inequities were finally being pushed front and centre. It forced us to ask the questions: How can we resist such harmful, persistent disparities to create systems that look after everyone? And who—within our community, research, and health care organizations—is responsible for driving that change, and who is being left out?
Over 500 people attended Summit 2020 from across the globe to explore these questions. Together, they participated in 28 events featuring more than 100 presenters from different sectors relating to GBT2Q health and well-being, from research and academia to community-based organizations and service providers. To get a better idea of what was discussed at Summit 2020, check out the report featured below, which also includes links to watch a recording of each individual presentation.