Poppers, or alkyl nitrites are used by roughly 30% of gay men in Canada, often in nightlife or sexual contexts. Though they were sold off-label for many years -- as leather cleaner or room odoriser for example -- the federal government banned their sale entirely in 2013.
Formal reasoning for the ban was not given publicly, and potential impacts on community health remain unclear. This webinar uses a harm reduction informed, sex positive lens to investigate the following: what poppers-related health problems are relevant to gay men in Canada, what impacts has the poppers ban had, and how can we respond as stakeholders in the community?
Presenter: Cameron Schwartz is a Master of Public Health candidate at Simon Fraser University and is currently investigating the use of poppers in Canada. Cameron has been involved in substance-related health programming since 2015 working as a harm reduction outreach worker and program manager. Prior to this, he worked in a lab to analyse samples on behalf of the Drug and Poison Information Centre. Improving access to evidence-based drug information remains a strong theme as his career develops in the field of gay men’s health.
This webinar took place on July 25 2018.