A Sexual Health Community Consultation With Chinese and Punjabi Men in Greater Vancouver


Kwag, Michael. (2014, October). “We Didn’t Get The Talk”: A Sexual Health Community Consultation With Chinese and Punjabi Men in Greater Vancouver. Presented at the Gay Men's Health Summit, Vancouver, Canada. Using STOP HIV funding, HIM conducted a community consultation in 2011. More than 200 guys were interviewed and 800 completed an online survey. The findings were clear: HIM was on the right path, but we needed to increase engagement of more diverse and underserved populations, including young gay men, men who use substances and men from diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds. The recommended tool: the internet. Engaging men with limited English skills in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way is an important part of gay men’s health. Michael will share his findings from a community consultation with Chinese and Punjabi men for a new sexual health resource for gay and bisexual men who do not speak English. While we often refer to gay men or the gay community, there is no monolithic descriptor for this population. Gay men are like other communities of interest where there are more differences than similarities. In order to communicate with the maximum number of gay men, HIM and other organizations will be required to adapt to technological shifts in communications, while navigating issues pertaining to the many sub-populations within the community.





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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
A Sexual Health Community Consultation With Chinese and Punjabi Men in Greater Vancouver
A Sexual Health Community Consultation With Chinese and Punjabi Men in Greater Vancouver
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