CBRC is highlighting programs, initiatives, and interventions "beyond MTV", focusing on gbMSM work outside of the major cities of Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. In this webinar, we showcase the unique strategies and successes of other cities. Thus, we bring the spotlight on to work advancing the health of gay, bisexual, and queer men in Kelowna, Edmonton, and Peel region.
Presenters: Phillip Banks is currently the Executive Director at Peel HIV/AIDS Network (www.phan.ca), a health and community service organization serving Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga in Ontario. Phillip has been working in HIV-cum-Gay Bi Queer Men’s Health for over twenty years with experience in urban, suburban and rural environments. Some of his past work includes program and organization development for gay men’s health at Gayway, Health Initiative for Men, The Gilbert Centre, Peel HIV/AIDS Network and Dialogai. Beginning in late May, Phillip will move to the role of Director at Ontario’s Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance. Phillip is a poly Virgo Rooster with a passion for French pastries.
Kim Kinakin is a long-time professional in the music, arts and non-profit sectors. He is currently the coordinator of the Men's Health Initiative (MHI) in Kelowna (www.menshealthinbc.com/), a partnership of the Living Positive Resource Centre and Community-Based Research Centre for Gay Men’s Health. He has decades of experience working with HIV/AIDS community organizations and programs. Through MHI he has been able to address STI testing needs within Interior BC by building partnerships with nurses, non-profits, local media outlets, learning institutions, local businesses and communitygroups through PRICK! testing events aimed at gay, bisexual and other ‘guys who like guys’ in the region.
Brook Biggin has worked in the HIV and LGBT2Q health sectors of Alberta for several years and is based in Edmonton. Currently, Brook works as the Prairie Regional Manager with the CBRC and is Co-Chair of Alberta's provincial STBBI Operational Strategy and Action Plan. As a community organizer, he founded the Edmonton Men's Health Collective (www.yegmenshealth.ca/), a grassroots health organization run by and for GBT2Q men, which aims to create equitable opportunity for queer men to experience positive health and wellbeing.