Aucoin, Chris; and Furlotte, Kirk. (2014, October). Check Me Out: A Campaign to Encourage HIV/STI Testing For Gay/MSM. Presented at the Gay Men's Health Summit, Vancouver, Canada. Our challenge was to encourage and normalize regular HIV/STI testing for gay/MSM, and promote dialogue about sexual health between men and their family physicians. Gay/MSM are often unaware of the unique sexual health challenges and risks they may face, and may be less likely to access healthcare. Medical professionals are also often unaware of the unique health issues of this population. Our solution was to create an easy-to-use, one-stop, sexual health checklist and promote it using ‘tongue-in-cheek’ ads featuring local peer leaders. The checklist includes tests, vaccinations and health exams recommended at various ages. Physicians were provided with an expanded checklist. A wealth of supplementary web content backing up both was made available. Promotion included volunteers passing out the checklists, and advertising through print posters (at local gay venues and public transit) and online ads promoting web-based checklist downloads. The visuals of the campaign posters and ads featured eight well-known local men (age 22–63) in the style of cheeky ‘personals ads’. Campaign content and marketing were well received and garnered some media attention. Separate feedback surveys indicate the campaign was noticed, liked, appreciated, and had one or more of the key desired impacts. 66% noticed the campaign and of those, 67% reported: HIV/STI testing (22%, plus 17% thinking about it), and/or conversations with their family doctor re sexual health issues (14%, plus 25% thinking about it), and/or increased sexual health knowledge (33%). The Check Me Out campaign continues with targeted outreach to university-aged men. In fall 2014, the team will begin developing a campaign for transgender individuals using the Check Me Out template.