Conversion ‘Therapy’ Survivors Have Spoken! Findings from CBRC’s SOGIECE/CT Survivor Support Project

Come learn about how the SOGIECE/CT Survivors Support project was structured, what was learned, what’s left to be done, and how the findings can help facilitate the creation of supports that survivors need to recover.

This event was open to anyone interested in listening to the voices of survivors, which include: SOGIECE/CT survivors, family and friends of survivors, 2SLGBTQ+ community organizations and service providers, healthcare and social service providers, and affirming faith-based organizations and social networks.

Disponible en français.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Conversion ‘Therapy’ Survivors Have Spoken! Findings from CBRC’s SOGIECE/CT Survivor Support Project
Conversion ‘Therapy’ Survivors Have Spoken! Findings from CBRC’s SOGIECE/CT Survivor Support Project
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