Assessing Community and Healthcare Provider Preferences for Doxycycline as STI PrEP/PEP among 2S/GBTQ People in Canada (Healthcare Providers)

What is the best way to expand access to doxycycline for prevention of bacterial STIs? We are interested in your thoughts!

For questions, or to sign up, please contact a study coordinator at [email protected].

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About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Assessing Community and Healthcare Provider Preferences for Doxycycline as STI PrEP/PEP among 2S/GBTQ People in Canada (Healthcare Providers)
Assessing Community and Healthcare Provider Preferences for Doxycycline as STI PrEP/PEP among 2S/GBTQ People in Canada (Healthcare Providers)
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