Gays of Our Lives: Stories Uncovered by the Investigaytors

The Investigaytors’ Qualitative Journey. After two exciting years of exploring quantitative research while working on the Sex Now Survey, the Investigaytors embarked on a new learning journey. In March 2013, we began a qualitative phase of training in social research. With its focus on developing rich narratives of lived experience, exploring qualitative research felt like a giant step up from statistical tables. Now it was: “Who are the men behind survey drop-down lists and checkboxes? And what do they have to say about gay men’s health?”



About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Gays of Our Lives: Stories Uncovered by the Investigaytors
Gays of Our Lives: Stories Uncovered by the Investigaytors
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