Huynh, Victor; and Sanzi, Marcus. (2014, October). Health Promotion Case Management and Understanding the Constructed Uses of Technologies For HIV Prevention. Presented at the Gay Men's Health Summit, Vancouver, Canada. Victor Huynh, MSW, and Marcus Sanzi, BPsych, Health Promotion Case Managers, AIDS Vancouver AIDS Vancouver, in collaboration with Vancouver Coastal Health and other community organizations has recently launched a premier program in Canada focusing on HIV prevention. Working from a harm reduction and intensive case management approach, health promotion case managers work with vulnerable communities that are at high risk of acquiring HIV by addressing the social determinants of health and providing HIV related education and support. These communities include gay and bisexual men, other men who have sex with men (OMSM), youth, new immigrants and refugees, Aboriginals, and vulnerable women. This program focuses on framing HIV prevention as staying healthy rather than eliminating risk factors by building community relationships to improve the reach and engagement of existing health services. The provincial health officer’s annual report indicated that new diagnoses of HIV have been decreasing amongst gay and bisexual men born 1960-1979; however, increasing among those born 1980-1999. This indicates the need for different approaches to health promotion for different communities. Issues affecting gay and bisexual men as well as OMSM are very diverse thus supports and services for health promotion need to incorporate the individual’s personal bio, psycho, social and spiritual experiences to cater to their unique needs. As technology becomes a larger part of our lives, it greatly impacts the way our communities interact with each other. The use of technology has eliminated many boundaries and barriers and each community has constructed their own purposes for its use. To provide adequate health support for HIV prevention, care providers need to understand how to access and navigate these uses of technology to develop creative pathways for care.