Our Health study connecting with 2S/LGBTQQIA+ people at Pride festivals across Canada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – This summer, the Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) will be hitting the road to collect data at more than twenty Pride festivals and community events across Canada for Our Health, the largest multi-lingual Canada-wide community health survey of Two-Spirit, Indigiqueer, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and other sexually and gender diverse (2S/LGBTQQIA+) people.

Led by researchers with lived experience of being part of 2S/LGBTQQIA+ communities, the study team especially wants to hear from community members who are living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, etc.) to ensure that people living with conditions who are often under-represented or less understood are included in this work. “Health research has an opportunity to use an intersectional lens — with the pandemic's distinct impact on 2S/LGBTQQIA+ community members living with chronic health conditions,” says Anu Radha Verma, CBRC’s 2S/LGBTQQIA+ Chronic Health Research Manager. “We want to honour individual and collective experiences, while advocating for systemic change."

Developed by CBRC with recruitment from coast to coast to coast in English, French, and Spanish, this will be Our Health’s second year collecting and sharing valuable data on chronic health conditions experienced by 2S/LGBTQQIA+ people in Canada.

Conducted in partnership between CBRC, Egale Canada, The Enchanté Network, and 2 Spirits in Motion Society, Our Health 2023 will take place from June to September at Pride festivals and community-based events across the country. Participants will be asked to complete a short electronic survey on a tablet or their own device, which will ask questions related to chronic health conditions, their experiences with COVID, mental health, access to services, their sex life, substance use, and more.

The Our Health 2023: Canada-Wide 2S/LGBTQQIA+ Community Survey is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

For more information and a complete list of participating Pride festivals, please visit https://www.cbrc.net/our_health_2023

About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development. CBRC’s core pillars of community-led research, knowledge exchange, network building, and leadership development position the organization as a thought leader, transforming ideas into actions that make a difference in our communities. CBRC was incorporated in 1999 and is a non-profit charitable organization. Our main office is located in Vancouver, British Columbia; we also have satellite offices located in Edmonton, Toronto, and Halifax.

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For interviews, please contact:

Adam Jalali
Associate Director, Communications, CBRC
[email protected]

Michael Ianni
Media Relations Officer, CBRC
[email protected]


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About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Our Health study connecting with 2S/LGBTQQIA+ people at Pride festivals across Canada
Our Health study connecting with 2S/LGBTQQIA+ people at Pride festivals across Canada
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