Panel: Spill the Tea

Spill the Tea - Reducing substance use stigma and increasing harm reduction strategies for GBT2Q guys in the Ottawa region

Due to stigma around drugs, sex and HIV, GBT2Q men who party and play (PnP) experience immense barriers to discussing drug use. In this session, panelists will discuss Spill the Tea, an intervention led by MAX Ottawa which focuses on reducing the stigma associated with sexualized substance use, and also provides harm reduction materials and HIV/STTBI testing referrals to GBT2Q men who engage in PnP. Panelists will speak to the successes and challenges of creating and delivering this community-based intervention.

Presented by Robert Alsberry, Devona Coe, Matthew Halse, and David
Ley. Moderator: Roberto Ortiz

Summit 2019: Queering Healthcare Access and Accessibility, in Vancouver October 31 - November 1. For more information visit


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Panel: Spill the Tea
Panel: Spill the Tea
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