Pride, Prejudice & Determinants of Health: What's trending with young gay men?

Sex Now 2011(SN11) was Canada’s first survey of social determinants of health in gay and bisexual men. 1,899 men under 30 years of age responded, representing a 26% increase in participation from this age group over the previous year’s pilot study. CBRC’s young “Investigaytor” team collaborated on the design of the questionnaire and recruitment strategy that produced such robust youth participation.1 This report compares results from both the pilot study and determinants survey to corroborate their findings and to explore what more we have learned about the lives of young gay and bisexual men.



About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Pride, Prejudice & Determinants of Health: What's trending with young gay men?
Pride, Prejudice & Determinants of Health: What's trending with young gay men?
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