Queer and Trans* Men and Relationship Abuse


Parry, Robin; and Peel, Alex. (2014, October). Queer and Trans* Men and Relationship Abuse. Presented at the Gay Men's Health Summit, Vancouver, Canada. LGBTQ populations experience unique determinants of relationship abuse, and have unique needs from professional and personal supports. QMUNITY and Legal Services are nearing publication of a new print resource series that will help identify abusive behaviours and that will provide survivors and support people with ideas for LGBTQ-competent safety planning. Project leads Robin Parry and Alex Peel will present key findings, foreshadowing the resources’ early 2015 release.





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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Queer and Trans* Men and Relationship Abuse
Queer and Trans* Men and Relationship Abuse
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