Regional Report: Vancouver Coastal Health Region

For nearly 20 years, CBRC has been conducting community-based research on the health of gay, bi, and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM). We are committed to sharing our findings with our research partners and participants. We have the stats and we’d like to share them with you! Since research can be complex, we’ve compiled the information into easy to understand infographics.


CBRC is excited to launch these two-page reports that provide an overview of the gbMSM population in each geographical Health Region in British Columbia: Fraser, Island, Interior, Northern, and Vancouver Coastal.

These reports present stats compiled from various sources, including CBRC’s Sex Now Survey—a nation-wide survey of gbMSM that reached over 8000 respondents in its last iteration. They provide a snapshot for service providers, policy makers, and community members to add context and help support the work in bettering the lives of gbMSM in BC.



About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Regional Report: Vancouver Coastal Health Region
Regional Report: Vancouver Coastal Health Region
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