We provide a list of GBT2Q support resources at the end of the survey which you can access here. We encourage you to consult these resources if the survey brings up troubling experiences.
General mental health support
Visit the Canadian Mental Health Association: cmha.ca (English and French)
If you are a youth (29 and under)
You may visit:
- Youthline for support by text, chat, or email: youthline.ca (English only)
- Kids Help Phone: kidshelpphone.ca, 1-800-668-6868 (English and French)
- AlterHeros in Montreal: alterheros.com, 438-830-4376 (English and French)
- or view the following resource hub: jack.org/covid (English and French)
If you are trans
You can contact:
- Trans Lifeline’s Hotline for support: 1-877-330-6366 (English only)
- ATQ (atq1980.org, 1-855-909-9038 #1)
- Trans Outaouais (transoutaouais.com, 1-888-872-6707) in Quebec (English and French)
If you are Indigenous
You may contact:
- the Hope for Wellness Helpline: 1-855-242-3310, hopeforwellness.ca (English and French)
- National, toll-free 24/7 crisis call line providing support for anyone who requires emotional assistance related to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls: 1-844-413-6649 (English and French)
View additional COVID-19 resources at: afn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/MW-and-COVID_Factsheet__RED_Fe.pdf (English only)
If you are a refugee
You may contact:
- Rainbow Refugee: rainbowrefugee.com (English only)
- Rainbow Railroad: rainbowrailroad.org (English only)
If you have experienced domestic or relationship violence
You may find these resources helpful:
- endingviolencecanada.org/getting-help/ (national directory, English only)
- metoomvmt.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/MeToo-COVID-Response_TOOLKIT.pdf (resource, English only)
sosviolenceconjugale.ca (in Montreal, English and French)
The following resources and services may also be helpful
- Egale Canada: LGBTQI2S Mental Health Tips during the COVID-19 Pandemic (directory) egale.ca/awareness/lgbtqi2s-mental-health-tips-during-the-covid-19-pandemic (English only)
- Interligne (Montreal-based, help and information line) interligne.co, 514-866-0103 (English and French)
- Forward Together, We Keep Each Other Safe: A Guide By and For Black, Indigenous, Latinx, POC and LGBTQ Communities Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic (resource): forwardtogether.org/tools/we-keep-each-other-safe (English only)
- Canada Suicide Prevention Service (for everyone): 1-833-456-4566 (English and French)
- Crisis Services Canada (directory to local resources): crisisservicescanada.ca/en/looking-for-local-resources-support (English and French)
- The LifeLine Canada Foundation (directory to local resources): thelifelinecanada.ca/suicide-prevention-crisis-centre-contact-information/crisis-centres/canadian-crisis-centres (English and French)
- Certified Listeners (online support service): certifiedlisteners.org/support (English only)
- Wellness Together Canada: wellnesstogether.ca, for immediate support, text WELLNESS (English) or MIEUX (French) to 741741 for adults or to 686868 for youth
- Le centre de crise de Québec (crisis line): centredecrise.com, 418-688-4240 (French only)
- Suicide Action Montréal (crisis line): suicideactionmontreal.org, 1-866-277-3553 (English and French)
- Anxiety Canada (resource): anxietycanada.com (English and French)
- Bounce Back (resource): bouncebackontario.ca, 1-866-345-0224 (English and French)