The Investigaytors: Addressing Queer & Trans Knowledge Gaps Through Community-Based Research

This presentation was originally recorded in English. Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

The Investigaytors program is a participatory, community-based, capacity-building intervention for young queer people who are interested in health research. By participating in every step of the research process, program participants gain tangible research skills, learn about queer health, and connect with other queer people. Importantly, there is no academic or educational requirement for participating in the program, and participation is not limited to those currently or formerly engaged in post-secondary education. This panel will showcase the breadth of work led by local teams across the country and feature quantitative and qualitative results from analyses conducted by Investigaytors participants in Vancouver, Edmonton, and Toronto. Results will be presented from quantitative analyses of Sex Now 2019 data conducted in R across Investigaytors programs and qualitative research on gender identity and expression led by the Edmonton Investigaytors.

Ben Klassen (CBRC), Brynn Day, Sammy Lowe, Rachel Lallouz & Shafir Walji (Edmonton Investigaytors), Gavin Bejaimal & Brennan Snow (Toronto Investigaytors), and Manish Toofany (Vancouver Investigaytors)

Disponible en français.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
The Investigaytors: Addressing Queer & Trans Knowledge Gaps Through Community-Based Research
The Investigaytors: Addressing Queer & Trans Knowledge Gaps Through Community-Based Research
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