What Prevents or Enables Pap Testing For 2S/LGBTQ+ People?

The Canadian Cancer Society recommends sexually active people with cervices over 21 have a Pap test every 1-3 years. This includes women of diverse sexual orientations (such as lesbian, bisexual and queer women) as well as trans men and gender non-conforming people with cervices. Yet, 2S/LGBTQ+ people face lower screening rates and significant barriers to accessing Pap tests. Effective action from clinicians can reduce these barriers and reduce the instance of cervical cancer in this population.


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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
What Prevents or Enables Pap Testing For 2S/LGBTQ+ People?
What Prevents or Enables Pap Testing For 2S/LGBTQ+ People?
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