Wise Practices to Facilitate Health Care Access amongst Racialized and Newcomer PHAs

Panel: Nothing About Us Without Us: Community Led Research to Address Community Health Priorities

Presented by Alan Li and Dale Maitland at Summit 2019: Queering Healthcare Access and Accessibility, in Vancouver October 31 - November 1. For more information visit cbrc.net/summit

Alan Li is a primary care physician at Regent Park Community Health Centre that services many marginalized populations including newcomers, non-insured individuals, people with mental health and addiction issues, LGBTQ and people with HIV/AIDS (PHA). With over 30 years’ experience in community organizing and advocacy, Alan has taken leadership role in many social justice and equity promoting organizations, including the Chinese Canadian National Council, Asian Community AIDS Services, Casey House Hospice, the Hong Kong 10% club, and the “Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment” (CAAT), a coalition of many health and community service providers working to improve treatment access for marginalized PHAs. As Policy and Practice Leader at the Ontario HIV Treatment Network, Alan has led many community based research studies and is widely recognized as a leader in mobilizing research evidence to build innovative health promotion programs and services amongst HIV, sexual minorities, newcomer and racialized communities, including the multi-racial anti-stigma intervention CHAMPS in Action, the Ethno-racial Treatment Support Network (ETSN) peer counselor training program, HIV and immigration training program and the compassionate medication access program at the People with AIDS Foundation. In addition, Alan also has extensive experience co-leading transnational studies on sexual health, mental health and anti-stigma interventions between Canada and China.


About CBRC

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Wise Practices to Facilitate Health Care Access amongst Racialized and Newcomer PHAs
Wise Practices to Facilitate Health Care Access amongst Racialized and Newcomer PHAs
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