CBRC Reports:
- SOGIECE/CT Survivor Support Project: Findings from a National Survey, Focus Groups, and Interviews (January 2022): This report highlights the support needed by survivors to help in their recovery, with recommendations for support and actions. See also the Executive Summary.
- THE LATEST: Conversion Therapy in Canada (June 2021): This report, consisting of data collected as part of our 2019 Sex Now Survey, reveals that as many as 10% of GBT2Q people in Canada have experienced conversion therapy.
- THE LATEST: Conversion Therapy & SOGIECE in Canada (February 2020): This report is based on preliminary data from more than 7,200 sexual minority men who participated in our 2019 Sex Now Survey, and suggests that SOGIECE and conversion therapy continue to impact GBT2Q in Canada.
- Protecting Canadian Sexual and Gender Minorities from Harmful Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts. Salway, T. (n.d.). Community-Based Research Centre
- SOGIECEICT Survivor Support Project: Findings from a National Survey, Focus Groups, and Interviews. A Community-Based Research project among Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer people (2SLGBTQ+) Canada.
Additional Research:
- Overcoming Conversion Therapy: A Qualitative Investigation of Experiences of Survivors, E. Dromer (2021). [Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal]. Papyrus: Université de Montréal Digital Institutional Repository.
- They Want You to Kill Your Inner Queer but Somehow Leave the Human Alive: Delineating the Impacts of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression Change Efforts, Goodyear, T., Kinitz, D., Dromer, E., Gesink, D., Ferlatte, O., Knight, R., Salway, T. (The Journal of Sex Research, 2021).
- Video: Ending, Healing, and Learning – The Current and Future State of SOGIECE plenary panel during Summit 2019. Travis Salway, a social epidemiologist, and a leading SOGIECE researcher moderated this interactive panel featuring critical discussion from the perspectives of survivors, policy advocates, and service providers to mobilize research, practice, and policy actions with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts (SOGIECE). The panel helped to increase awareness and understanding of conversion therapy, or SOGIECE in Canada, and its consequences with regard to sexuality, identity, health, and social well-being, and what is required to help survivors heal.
- “Conversion Therapy” Experiences in Their Social Contexts: A Qualitative Study of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression Change Efforts in Canada (The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2021)
- What is So-called “Conversion Therapy”? Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity. Salway, T. (2021)
- The Global State of Conversion Therapy - A Preliminary Report and Current Evidence Brief. Adamson, Tyler & Garner, Alex & Wallach, Sara & Hanley, Marguerite & Howell, Sean. (2020)
- Prevalence of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychosocial Health Outcomes among Canadian Sexual Minority Men. Salway, T., Ferlatte, O., Gesink, D., & Lachowsky, N. J. (2020), Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(7), 502–509. This research, published in 2020, has found that conversion therapy to attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation is still common in Canada. The study calls for government and societal support to end conversion therapy practices. According to university and community-based researchers, 4% of Canadian gay and bisexual men—approximately 20,000 individuals across the country—have been exposed to conversion therapy, which includes scientifically discredited practices that try to repress, discourage, or change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
- Experiences with sexual orientation and gender identity conversion therapy practices among sexual minority men in Canada, 2019–2020. Salway T, Juwono S, Klassen B, Ferlatte O, Ablona A, Pruden H, et al. (2021) PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252539
- QuickStat #1 - Conversion Therapy. 2019-12-2-. The Trans PULSE Canada Team
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